[Review] Song of Horror – Xbox One

Developer: Protocol Games | Publisher: Raiser Games | Release Date: 28/05/2021
Price: $39.99/£34.99 | Review Code Provided by the Publishers | Genre: Adventure, Action | Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC


The famed writer Sebastian P. Husher has gone missing, along with his entire family. Worried, his editor sent an assistant to his house in order to look for him – but he never came back… These disappearances spark a set of events that will soon reveal something dreadful: a nameless, dark entity known only as The Presence seems to be responsible.

AN UNSTOPPABLE ENTITY Song of Horror offers a truly dynamic terror experience: its antagonist, the supernatural entity known only as The Presence, is controlled by an advanced AI (Artificial Intelligence) that adapts to your actions and decisions. Experience unbearable fear as this otherworldly being responds to your way of playing and hunts you down in unexpected ways, offering a unique experience to every player and gameplay where tension builds up naturally instead of coming from scripted sequences.

13 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS As a player, you will live this story through the eyes of a varied set of characters related to the story in their own way. Every character is different, and brings their unique point of view to the investigation, allowing them to approach clues and items differently. Their actions and decisions will shape the world: some of them will know more or less of certain aspects of the story; some will be more effective against supernatural manifestations, but all of them can die if the Presence gets to them – and death is permanent. If they die, you will have to pick the story up with another one, and continue the investigation so their deaths are not in vain.

EXPLORE THE SCARIEST PLACES A mysterious antique shop, a forgotten abbey, an abandoned mental hospital… Each location in Song of Horror is inspired by the classics of the genre. Explore and investigate these haunted places to gather clues and items that will help you solve challenging puzzles while enduring the agonizing tension of the game’s atmosphere.


The game is an episodic game that involves a music box with a sweet melody but it contains something demonic that even sometimes I’m afraid to play the game at night in all respect and preferable playing it during the daylight.
The game has that dead by daylight vibe that might make a good crossover content for the game itself.

After experiencing the prologue of the story (scary stuff), it opened new doors to experience the game through eyes of different protagonists of each episodes and also each character has their own unique skill set which might be helpful in some cases while exploring a building but sometimes it might not save you from some certain dangers of the house.

From where I stand, I counted about four people from each chapter to control, which makes in total of 13 people and somehow they have a connection to Daniel in which might be his friends, family member or a colleague in some cases I might not understand. 

The game has four difficulties which are named after horror novelists such as E.T.A Hoffman, M.R. James, Edgar Allan Poe, and H.P. Lovecraft (yeah I did brief research on them) in which you’ll have to complete the game to unlock H.P. Lovecraft difficulty.

Each individual has their own light source, it could be in the form of a candle, flash light, torch, etc. in which, according to the game, won’t run out unless you press the right joystick to turn it off and turn it back on.
The stats consist of speed, stealth, strength, and serenity which help some folks but not all of them in particular.

The controls are simple like you’re playing silent hill or resident evil but more like Slient Hill.
In a way, I thought you’ll make use of a weapon but that may not happen because this is a game based on stealth but sometimes curiosity will advantage of us.

Be careful not to let all of your characters die while playing but if one dies, another will take their place and the collected items but then again don’t let all of them to die if they do, you’ll start the episode again.

The controls are quite like Silent hill and Resident Evil but not quite like them because the game is quite scary as hell.
The scary part is when you use the button Y to listen what is going on inside a room which could be scary once whatever is inside will try to push the door back as I was also struggling with the door.
The light source can be turned on and off just by clicking on the right stick which is a good thing that they don’t run out of juice.
Surprised that you can use the right stick to move the right hand as per using the light source to look around.

While playing the game, I noticed that the controller reacts just like the game does when it comes to the heart beat as if the game ain’t scary enough, the controller will vibrate just from each heart beat so I can say awesome work.


The visuals look good but the frame rate might not favor it because it looks like it drops and raises between 15-25FPS with the average of 16 FPS which doesn’t bother me but I’m not speaking for other players.
The cut scene looks good on its own but the main gameplay might not be liked by some players but I don’t let it bother me nonetheless.


The audio is what got me on my feet and also made to be sure to play the game during the day than at night.
The suspense is quite scary as hell and that’s a great feeling at times.
The voice-acting, however, is in great in shape but still has that fear factor that made me almost piss on myself.


Story – 8.2/10
Gameplay – 8.3/10
Graphics – 8/10
Audio – 8.2/10
Recommendation – Yes
Overall – 8.5/10

Thanks for reading my review and God bless.
I want to thank the publishers for giving me the opportunity to make a review of their awesome game.

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